Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's hot.

Really hot.

Really, really, really hot.

Like 112 degrees hot, and it's supposed to be hotter tomorrow.

Rain would be really nice right now. We actually have a 20% chance of rain next Monday, which might not sound like much to you, but it's a better chance than we've had in a looong time, so we are really hoping it will turn into something so we don't have to water the gardens 17 times a day just to keep the plants from shriveling up into tiny balls of dust.  And our neighbors have about 100 goats with no pasture to eat from and hardly any hay coming along.

You know what annoys me about the heat here?  When I see someone online complaining about how hot it is, and how expensive their electricity bill is because of their air conditioner, and then they say something like, "And I'm from MONTANA, so I really know what I'm talking about when it comes to heat."

And then I mentally invite them to come to Texas some time and personally experience what hot really is.

It's kind of like when we get 1.5 inches of snow here and it's a freezing 28 degrees, so all the schools close, and it's all over the news how extreme the weather is this winter!  And then you Montana people start rolling your eyes at us just like we do at you during the summer.

It's hot here in Texas.

Really hot.

Really, really, really hot.

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